Urnex Dezcal - Descaling powder - Single sachet

1.95 € 1.95 EUR 1.95 €

1.61 €

  • Brand
  • EAN/GTIN/barcode
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  • Manufacturer Part Number / SKU

This combination does not exist.

Brand: Urnex
EAN/GTIN/barcode: 1075463160035
Size: 28gr
Manufacturer Part Number / SKU: 15-DEZC100-1

2000+ high quality products
from Coffee Lovers for Coffee Lovers
Family Owned - Sustainable - Ethical
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Powder for removing lime scale from espresso, automatic, and pour over machines. 

Product Description:

Only regular removing of calcium scale allows long and effective operation of coffee machine; moreover, it allows avoiding potential damages and costly repairs. Also descales coffee servers.

 Package: 28g sachet. 

Product Attributes 

EAN13:  1075463160035

Brand: Urnex 

Recommended for coffee machines: universal 

Package: 28 g