Le Piantagioni del Caffe - Coopchebi Espresso 250g - Ground Coffee

11.95 € 11.950000000000001 EUR 11.95 €

10.96 €

  • Brand
  • EAN/GTIN/barcode
  • Country
  • Varietal
  • Varietal
  • Varietal
  • Varietal
  • Processing
  • Package
  • Altitude
  • Roasting date
  • Region
  • Producer
  • Roast level
  • Expiration date

This combination does not exist.

Brand: Le Piantagioni del Caffe
EAN/GTIN/barcode: 8033959092477
Country: Peru
Varietal: Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Package: 250gr
Altitude: 1500 - 1850 m a.s.l.
Roasting date: 25.05.2023
Region: Chanchamayo
Producer: Coopchebi Cooperative
Roast level: Medium
Expiration date: 25.05.2025

2000+ high quality products
from Coffee Lovers for Coffee Lovers
Family Owned - Sustainable - Ethical
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Ground specialty coffee from Peru , roasted in Italy by Le Piantagioni del Caffe  roasting brand. Dark roast, perfect for espresso machines and moka pots. Sweet, with the notes of almond, chocolate, and flowers. 

Recommended for Espresso, Moka pot (bialetti) and Cezve/Ibrik. Also suitable for Aeropress. 

Not suitable for french press and filter coffee machine due to fine grounds.