Universal quick descaler for all household objects e.g. (filter) coffee makers, water pressure cookers, steam irons, tap sieves, shower heads, pans, vases, glasses, etc., fixtures and surfaces in kitchen and bathroom. Durgol quickly and easily removes all limescale from household objects. The special formula guarantees efficient descaling, does not affect the material, is safe for food and the environment.
It is recommended to clean the machine after 100x coffee brewing (1 pack of filters). Pour 1 to 2 cups of durgol into the water tank. Dilute with the same amount of tap water. Some machines require more water for dilution to start the descaling process. After descaling, rinse with tap water (1 to 2 times the volume of the water tank).
Mild and effective detergent to remove
dirt and all coffee residue NOTE: This is not a descaler.